Monday, November 5, 2007

Personality Information - Principle #1

I'm sure almost everyone has taken a personality temperament profile these days - DiSC, MBTI, Enneagram, The Personalities, or others, the list is long! But, does that information, or "label" really help us live better lives? Do we understand ourselves any better? Do we understand others any better? The sad answer to that is - NO. It's not until we apply this information, that we start seeing the benefit of doing those painful self discovery tests. Over the past ten years of administering these profiles, I have watched people squirm and complain when having to answer the behavior revealing questions. It is painful to be honest about our strengths and weakness. We can't change a behavior until we see it, and if nothing changes - NOTHING changes!
Over time I will be listing the steps or principles that will help make the process of applying this information more powerful and rewarding.


Personality Principle # 1
You Are Here - Finding your bearings.

Completing the Personality Profile may seem like taking a test, but it's a tool that will help you find a starting point. Think of it like going to the shopping mall.

First, you need to decide to go to the mall (in need of something: information, guidance, hope). Park and walk in (do the profile). Now if you don't know exactly where you are, you might wander round in circles. A helpful thing to do is look for the directory board and find the "You Are Here" sticker (add up your totals).

Once you figure out where "You Are Here" is, you now can make a Personality Plan for getting from where you are to where you want to be. You may find you're on the wrong end of the mall (living in weaknesses), which means it will take a little more time to get where you want to go (living in strengths).

The journey may be long or short, but at least you're not aimlessly walking in circles any more. What you want to become is an individual who is living in his or her strengths, instead of being trapped in weaknesses.

In the journey of discovering your identity, you can use the tools of understanding personality traits to overcome natural tendencies and find freedom to live in your strengths.

Yes, "You Are Here." But, here is not where you will want to stay. Apply the Personality Principles and enjoy living in your strengths!

If you have not done a profile and need to obtain a copy, please visit the on-line store at the website. or email or call 314-616-8101.

Hard Copy Profiles are:
1 - 50 @ $2.00 each plus S/H

51 - 100 @ $1.50 each plus S/H

For discount rates of orders over 100 copies, please call 314-616-8101.
These are excellent for use in business, schools, counseling, churches, or just for individual use.

We live in the day and age of "hackers," no I'm not talking about people who smoke, I'm talking about the people who break into our sites or information and put that information on their own sites. Well, a nice young man did that with our profile, so if you would like to take the profile - free of charge (his nickle) here's the web address with our profile on it. He states on his site that he hacked this profile for others to enjoy - feel free to enjoy his hard work.

This profile was developed by Fred and Florence Littauer for the book Personality Plus, and Wired That Way. You can find these and many other books about personalities on my website.

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