Monday, October 12, 2009

Knowledge is Power

I love the fall season! The heat is blowing out to sea, and the colors-OMG! The colors! I just love when diversity works to make everything beautiful!

I also love opening my email to find this kind of report:
Hey Kathryn!!
My students are going NUTS over these personality profiles! My Sanguine kid is SO happy to find the reason why he bounces and ends up in trees! (I used Tigger as an example.) I also have a girl who is really getting into this . . Choleric teen . . whooda thunk? She is a crabby out-of-control choleric who doesn't want to be! She has just opened up since we have done the profiles. -- Ginny Gilbertsen

WOW! Now here's a teacher who is really changing lives! I'm sure most CPTs can give me stories like this one (please do, I love hearing them) where finding out about personality types has answered the nagging internal questions of "Why am I different?" or "What's wrong with me?"

Years ago, I sat all five of my sons down and had them do the profile together. Everyone answered the profile questions for everyone else: Decision by Committee. When you use this method, you get a more accurate assessment because we rarely see ourselves the way others see us. It's other people's perceptions of us that cause many of our relationship problems.

As my sons thought about answering for their brothers, they had to set aside their sibling pettiness and get down to what is "real," not just what they "feel" about each other. After the scores were tallied, we read over each personality's strengths and struggles. Here's where the real magic started to take place.

As each child identified with his personality type and that of his brother's, the aha! moments started to happen. My Powerful Choleric son decided to ease up on his younger Peaceful Phlegmatic brother. "OK, I'll let him be who he is, but if he thinks he's attending the same high school as me . . . here's where I draw the line in the sand: he has to take a shower everyday!" As the mom I had to chuckle inside, wondering, "Or else what?"

My Proper Melancholic son had the strongest reaction. He always felt he was "different" from the rest of the family (a common thought for Propers). He is my artist and straight A student. His brothers were either skate rats or couch potatoes and he worried there was something wrong with him.

When we read about the Proper Melancholic's tendency to be artistic and studious, it was as if the weight of the world rolled off his shoulders. He was normal for his personality type. He turned from a sullen, moody kid into a happier, more light-hearted person, knowing there is nothing "wrong" with him for liking art or being smart. From that time on we have made our family decisions according to personality needs as much as possible.

Children get it! Sometimes they get it even faster than adults, because there isn't as much emotional junk to wade through in order to get to the truth. If you work with children as a teacher, counselor, social worker, or parent, and are interested in obtaining Personality Assessment Profiles for your children, here's the link to purchase your copies:
Feel free to email me the story of how your family, clients or classroom responds to the personality information.

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